sexta-feira, 30 de março de 2012

novidades para os donos de ilhas

Boas novas para donos de ilhas
Sabe aquela história de você, como dono de ilha de vez em quando ver o pessoal querendo mudar de raça e manter os xps e níveis? Pois bem, Miss Wright decidiu tornar isso mais comercial. Ela está criando uma caixa para os donos da ilha para esse fim e quem quiser mudar de raça vai pagar L$ 1000 sendo que  a metade fica com o dono dessa caixa, o que vai ajudar a pagar o tier da ilha e a outra metade vai para Miss Wright, como forma de cobrir o custo de manutenção dos servidores que rodam o DCS.
O diálogo você lê no original aqui:
-- Instant message logging enabled --
[07:25]  Miss Wright: good morning
[07:26]  Miss Wright: we have a new item coming out for sim owners
[07:27]  Very Sinister: THats it keep us in suspence
[07:27]  Miss Wright: hehe
[07:27]  Miss Wright: well a while back some sim owners were charging for the inconvenience of having to "reroll" someones character, meaning they change races and keep their levels
[07:28]  Very Sinister: lol
[07:28]  Miss Wright: because we do not allow rerolls in toxia often some people begged to pay for it
[07:29]  Miss Wright: and just charging for it would keep rerolls from happening to often
[07:29]  Very Sinister: yes
[07:29]  Miss Wright: so we have devised a box that if a sim owner chooses to allow in their sim a player will get a rereoll and the sim owner gets 50% (half) of the sale
[07:30]  Very Sinister: :)
[07:30]  Miss Wright: we were thinking putting a reroll at about 1kLinden to keep it from happening too often, which would give sim owners 500 of that
[07:31]  Very Sinister: good
[07:31]  Miss Wright: the beauty about the box is it only works for the sim it was purchased in and only the owner of the box gets 50% of the profit
[07:33]  Miss Wright: we thought not only would it help with tier fees but also not have to manually reroll anyone, be nagged about it, etc
[07:34]  Miss Wright: oh and of course keep rerolling down to a minimum so people stay with their characters
[07:34]  Very Sinister: :)
[07:34]  Beast Scarborough: so basically you are getting rid of all free rerolling and making it a pay 1000L rerolls?
[07:35]  Very Sinister: it seems only if sim owner wants to
[07:37]  Miss Wright: its totally optional
[07:37]  Beast Scarborough: ah ok
[07:37]  Miss Wright: if you dont want to be bugged with rerolls then you just drop the vendor
[07:38]  Beast Scarborough: but it would be an auto reroll for whoever purchases it so that admins and such don't have to deal with it it would just be automatic they pay reroll and are good to go?
[07:38]  Miss Wright: think of it as paying your manpower/your staff for the extra work
[07:38]  Jacks Tremor: hello
[07:38]  Miss Wright: or whatever
[07:38]  Miss Wright: yes beast
[07:38]  Beast Scarborough: ah ok, cool
[07:39]  Miss Wright: they pay, it says you are now required to reroll, they reroll to a new race and keep their levels
[07:39]  Miss Wright: and the person that owns the box gets 50% of the profit
[07:39]  Beast Scarborough: sounds good to me
[07:40]  Miss Wright: cool, we may have it ready tonight, just going to do a little more testing then we will send it out
[07:47]  Miss Wright: we also have scaling levels in the testing phase right now
[07:47]  Beast Scarborough: scaling levels?
[07:47]  Miss Wright: the only thing holding us back from releasing scaling levels is scaling the range damagae since ther eis no associated stat with it but we are working on it
[07:50]  Miss Wright: yes, instead of 2 stat when you get a level it would be a % so like 2%  or whatever you set,  see in the beginning when you set your races they are much different in stats having strengths and weaknesses, but since all the leveling is the same the differences go away and eveyone is closer to being exactly the same at higher levels, with the new scaling levels, races retain their strengths and weaknesses, which in turn would make some races more vulnerable to guns, so we are wanting to scale gun damage before we release the scaling levels, BUT the scaling levels have been LIVE in toxia for a week now and it works beautifully, it perfectly ba;lances the system, its what we have been missing all this time
[07:58]  Miss Wright: I do have a question about the reroll boxes
[07:59]  Miss Wright: would you prefer the box to check and make sure the person that sets the box down in your sim is indeed a sim owner level gm , or lead gm and sim owner
[08:00]  Miss Wright: it might be best to have it only bne allowed to be set out by someone listed as a sim owner in your configuration
[08:00]  Miss Wright: no comment?

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